I Just Kickstarted A Sexy Game Called Subverse

In today’s list of weird stuff I decided to dip into, I decided to kickstart a game in its waning hours entitled Subverse, a JRPG-meets-Mass Effect game that contains XCOM-esque tactics and space shoot-’em-up. You build an army of what are called “waifus” (yeah, this is already right up my alley), and use them to overthrow an oppressive regime controlling the galaxy with their puritanical ways.

It’s your job to stick it to them in the same way Ninja Sex Party stuck it to the Council of Dick Elders in 6969 – by violently overthrowing them and freeing the world from their “oppressive dick regime.”

I think this is the naughty doctor character.

Yes, there is nudity in this. Yes, there is sex in it. It’s likely not going to be something that makes it onto the RetroFizz live channel or on the ICT stream. It might make it to YouTube as a RetroFizz exclusive (edited and censored, of course). But ultimately this is for me.

Many of the waifu games I buy, like Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, School Girl/Zombie Hunter, Senran Kagura, and others are funny to me, and I buy them to share with my community. I like them because they’re silly, and over-the-top and lend well to outrageous situations and uncomfortable, laughable moments and interactions with myself and chat. However, any nudity they contain is censored/controlled. They’re hella perverted, but at least they don’t violate Terms of Services in any real way. This game is going to destroy the Terms of Service, and that’s okay. This one can be just for me. And Reki too, if they are interested.

Here are the main waifus. I’m sure there will be more.

The game smashed its goal and raised over US$2,000,000, which is an extraordinary feat for any kickstarter game, much less a porn-based one. I’m genuinely please about that, and the character models and game design looks surprisingly decent. It would be very fun if this was a sleeper hit. Even if it hits cult classic status, that’d be fine with me. I’m pretty damn excited about this one!

And as an aside, those who wish to judge me or tut-tut, I’m an adult. I’m allowed to like boobies. I encourage everyone to like them. They’re nice.

I’ll give more details as they become available.

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