Adam Sessler is a living legend. Not only did he work his way up into being part of one of the most fondly-remembered game review platforms, but now he works with gaming data analytics at Spiketrap. He’s one of my biggest influences and inspirations.
I tend to gush about the guy, but it’s genuinely because I think he’s one of the best. One of the greats. His opinions in gaming were, and still are, some of my favorite takes. From early reviewing in GameSpot TV up until his final run of reviews on Revision3 Games, Sessler grew into what I would classify as a genuine games expert.
Have a listen to Sessler’s review of Bioshock Infinite from when he was with Revision3 Games and you’ll see why I think he’s one of the best-spoken and grounded game reviewers and critics ever. His eloquence, thorough attention to details, and level-headed view borne in the observance of the evolution of games as a medium give him an authoritative and meaningful view of gaming as a whole.
But it isn’t only in game reviews that Sessler shows his prowess. On G4, he had a podcast that occasionally made its way off the G4 website and onto the airwaves called Sessler’s Soapbox. He would delve in, often off-the-cuff, about a specific topic in gaming. It’s what inspired today’s version of the Insert Coin Theater Podcast.
Focusing in and deep-diving into the thoughts on specific topics, Sessler’s Soapbox (and what would become Sessler’s Something on Rev3Games), Sessler would show his in-depth knowledge and viewpoints on gaming in an interesting and sometimes hilarious way. It was a mini-podcast that was an injection of sanity in a sometimes crazy gaming sphere — which has only gotten more insane in the past couple years.
I miss this voice in gaming. We need more like him. Folks like Jim Sterling are valuable voices, but they often tend to focus on the current “click-bait” topic and drive it into the ground (see the EA/SWBF2 debacle and the excess of coverage of Sterling for evidence of this). A voice that touches on these but dives in and correlates to previous and future events and happenings is powerful and necessary, as rather than chirping on the topic of the day incessantly, it moves on and finds another topic the next week.
I love that Sessler has moved on to something that makes him happy, but damn if I don’t miss his voice in gaming. The abuse he got (and still gets for his viewpoints on his personal Twitter account) is garbage, and I understand why he stepped away from the camera. His views on gaming were very formative for me and kept me grounded in the belief that you can have strong views and articulate them without being excessively abrasive and respectful to the topic (unless it’s about Nazis, because fuck those guys).
I doubt he’ll ever return to gaming critique and sharing his views on gaming as he’s made it pretty clear he has no interest there due to the toxic nature of gaming in general as of late. I get it. I just wish he’d come in and help drive some sanity in our gaming culture as of late.
In the interest of being the change I want to see, I’m going to try to deliver what I can on my blog and in my podcast. Maybe I can be a contributing voice to gaming in an impactful, meaningful way someday.
Thanks, Adam. I’m glad you’re still around and kicking, and I’m appreciative of what you’ve contributed to gaming as a whole.
A live streamer, podcaster, and game lover hailing from the Tampa Bay area of Florida. Regardless of the game, Tim thoroughly enjoys what each game can bring to the table, whether it be visuals, audio, writing, or a combination of the three. He wants nothing more than to have a positive impact on gaming in some manner.
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